Rish je porodični brend, nastao 1952. godine, koji traje već tri generacije. Najstariji član kreativnog tima Rish je i dalje aktivni Mladen Ristić (79), osnivač ovog brenda. Pod njegovim uticajem, njegov sin Zoran (54), zajedno sa svojom suprugom Gordanom (48), nastavio je i usavršavao proizvodnju, negujući ručnu izradu i unikatnost. Aleksandra (22), Nataša (25) i Aleksandar (18), najmlađi su članovi tima Rish koji su odlučili da bi brend trebalo da napravi veliki preokret. Na njihovu inicijativu Rish je započeo proizvodnju unikatne, ekstravagantne, modne obuće koja teži da zauzme visoku poziciju na domaćoj modnoj sceni i svakim danom je sve bliža cilju.
Rish is a Serbian fashion brand originated in 1952. Rish shoes are fashionable items created by Ristić family, in which the craft and talent passed down from generation to generation until it reached the “new kids” Aleksandra (22), Nataša (25) and Aleksandar (18). They decided that family brand should make a big comeback. On their initiative Rish started producing unique, extravagant, fashion shoes which tends to occupy a high position in the local fashion scene. Rish shoes are handmade and detail oriented. Designers like to play with shapes and colors so there are many models fashion lovers can choose: monochrome, animal print, pink, colorful, combination of leather and rivets and so on. Each customer has the option, in addition to the exposed models, to create its own combination of colors for the exterior and interior of the shoes on the spot with the help of exposed specimens, and to choose the type of sole, but all in accordance with the offer and within Rish design.
Добрачина 13, Belgrade 11158, Serbia
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